Wednesday 21 November 2012

The shallow end is deeper than it looks.

"Go on, go!" Jimmy urged as I gradually crept toward the edge of the pool. It was cold that day too, I've got no idea why we were going for a swim. Jimmy had convinced me to jump into his next door neighbours back yard to go for a splash when they weren't home. Once ready we played scissors, paper, rock to see who went first. Just like Bart Simpson I found out that paper does indeed have it over rock! (damn you paper!) Since it was cold I went toward the shallow end so I could ease my limbs down into the algae water providing a chance to withdraw if needed. As I went to dip my big toe in Jimmy shouted "Wait! That's the deep end, you'll sink".
"Bullshit! its the shallow end dick head- look!" I replied. It looked shallow- you could see the bottom. Jimmy explained that "it's one of those new special pools that makes it look as though its shallow, and the shallow end look deep". He had a very good point- the pool was new.
Like an idiot I listened to him. Like an idiot I believed him. Like an idiot I went against my perception of depth and jumped in..... the deep end! Idiot.
So I stuffed up, I was a gullible idiot and I learnt another valuable lesson about keeping up with Jimmy Jones. But looking back and realising that my perception of depth was correct and with enough pressure and reasoning I was swayed was frustrating. First doubting myself followed by going against my better judgement, where else in life could the same mistake have been made?
Right here: Have you ever purchased anything off the television? C'mon.... we are all friends here. Sure, the 'Snuggy' looked like a piece of shit idea when you first saw it and naturally perceived bullshit. But, over time it gradually tore you down until you had everyones christmas present sorted in one phone call and 2 easy payments.
Perception isn't just a tool that's used by your eyes alone. It's one that all traditional senses utilise and as a result makes it vulnerable to being mislead. With your conscious and traditional senses so reliant on your sense of perception for almost all decisions there is a lot to break down when considering your options.
Nature or Nurture, it only takes a few times of being mislead to correct your mistakes. Or, is it that we don't want to believe our gut for the hope of something better? It doesn't matter if you are a communist or capitalist we are all consumerists. It's just in our nature now as a result of nurture, and one common perception that is often manipulated is that of others financial or personal wealth. We are constantly jumping over the fence to see the neighbours new pool and begin to believe they are 'better off' than ones self.
It's up to you to decide what you believe and not be misled by the word of others if you perceive otherwise. It's taken a lot of stuff ups and mistakes to get to who you are and you should be proud of the disappointed looks on your families faces when they opened their snuggy's last christmas. Seek gratification for your initial perceptions as they represent who you are and if your/ they're wrong so be it- learn from it. Trust your judgement and ensure it was you who made the decision to jump in the deep in end.